Saturday, July 25, 2009

The Cambridge Fiasco

Have we taken leave of our senses? We have a card caring intellectual showing us there is no relationship between brains and maturity. Apparently anybody can act like a meathead. I would expect more of a man of his station in life.

We have a cop that has been trained to the point that he teaches the exact type of sensitivity that was called for in this situation that ended up past his tipping point.

And the leader of the free world making a boneheaded comment that any lawyer is taught better than in law school 101. Instead of a simple mea culpa he is unable to accept personal responsibility and blames the “media frenzy”.

It’s strange to me that racism appears to be a one way street in America. It was the white cop that was accused here even though there was also an African American cop involved in the event and arrest. He is also corroborating the Sergeant’s side of the story although that’s not getting much news play. Looks to me that the argument can easily be made that the real racism is on the other foot.

Now the most powerful man in America has nothing better to do with his time than to mediate between the parties. Huston, we have a problem.

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